Probate is the legal process that takes place after someone passes away. This involves validating their will and the distribution of their assets according to their wishes. In Texas, probate can present several challenges that executors and beneficiaries must...
Texas Legal Blog
Can historic buildings survive modern eminent domain?
Historic buildings often face challenges when cities grow and change. Government projects can threaten these important structures through a process called eminent domain. However, if you own a historic building, there are ways to protect it. Texas law provides you...
The rights of surviving spouses in Texas probate
Losing a spouse brings deep grief and challenging questions about what happens next. Texas law offers clear rights to protect those who have lost their husband or wife. Here's what you should know about your legal rights as a surviving spouse in Texas. What Texas...
5 common challenges in eminent domain cases
Eminent domain cases present unique challenges for property owners in Texas. When the government exercises its right to acquire private property for public use, owners often face complex issues that require careful navigation. Understanding these common challenges can...
How to prepare your kids to take over your business
If you’re like most business owners, your dream isn’t just to build a thriving enterprise. It’s also about creating and preserving a family enterprise that can endure for generations. Passing the torch to your children when the time is right should be a meaningful...
Can I reverse an eminent domain claim?
The government's power to take private property for public use often makes property owners feel helpless. In Texas, eminent domain claims can be incredibly challenging. However, property owners have rights and options to fight these claims. Understanding the process...
Can you probate a copy of a will in Texas?
To fulfill your loved one’s wishes according to their last will, you will need to submit their will to probate court. And to do that, you must have its original copy. But what if you cannot find the original will? In Texas, it is possible to file a copy of your loved...
What rights do tenants have in eminent domain cases?
Eminent domain can turn a tenant's world upside down. In Texas, where people fiercely guard property rights, renters often worry about their rights when the government takes their home or business space. Let's explore how tenants can protect themselves in the Lone...
Talking to your kids if your house is targeted for eminent domain
If your house has been targeted for eminent domain action, explaining the situation to your children can be difficult. While property owners are entitled to fair compensation if the government takes their private property for public use, the eminent domain process can...
What if a project only needs a portion of my property?
Eminent domain allows the government or authorized entities to acquire private property for public use, provided they offer just compensation. While some projects require entire properties, others may only need a portion, resulting in a partial taking. Unlike full...