Some say this project is a big waste of time that will not fix the congested highways. Houston drivers face the 2nd most expensive commute in the nation. The city ranks as the worst in the National Fatality rate due to drunk driving and excessive speeds. TxDOT believes this project will decrease crash rates by 30%. Others believe the project will cause pedestrians more hardship to commute, and will also put a damper on making our streets and travel by pedestrians safer.
There are 2 planned public meetings, one 6/20/19 and one next week on 6/27/19.
Dallas faced this same tribulation in 2014 over a similar project and ended up cancelling it. Speck said, “even if you stop it and nothing happens, you’ll be in a better position.”
For now, most people are in acceptance that TxDOT is moving forward. But those that are opposed are still standing by their focus to make what is already there the best that it can be, that the project still needs to NOT happen, and that it is not too late as long as they haven’t broken ground.