Yes, but it can depend on a variety of factors. If a government entity or contractor takes your property through eminent domain in Texas, the law requires them to provide you with just compensation for it. In some cases, you may qualify for compensation beyond the...
Texas Legal Blog
When should I update my estate plan?
Creating an estate plan can be daunting, and it often involves multiple steps from start to finish. After completing this process, you may feel safe once you complete the paperwork and store it somewhere secure. Still, there could be many reasons to revisit these...
Eminent domain: What if I refuse to agree to it?
Imagine receiving a notice that the government plans to take your property for a public project. This scenario is a nightmare for any homeowner, as it means losing your home and facing relocation. Understanding eminent domain can help you navigate this challenging...
Debunking common misconceptions about estate planning
Estate planning is an integral part of financial management. It is essential for everyone, but because not many people understand its importance, they believe it is only for specific individuals. Understanding the importance of estate planning is crucial. It can help...
What ending your marriage means for your estate plan
If you already have an estate plan in place as you prepare to divorce, you’re ahead of most people. Divorce, however, is one of those life changes that will likely inspire multiple modifications to your estate plan documents. It’s smart to have estate planning...
Texas House Bill 2730, explained
Eminent domain is the power of the government or private entities in certain situations to take private property for public projects like roads, schools, or pipelines. The property owner is supposed to get fair payment in return. However, dealing with eminent domain...
Evaluating highways: Is progress worth your property?
Highways greatly affect how we live in the Houston metro area. They connect businesses, people and resources across 9,444 square miles. But they’ve also split communities, pushing some apart while confining others. Progress only moves forward The tension between...
What are the rules of intestacy in Texas?
Have you ever wondered what happens to your assets and properties if you pass away without a will in Texas? The state has a plan for that, but it might not match your wishes. Texas intestacy laws kick in when someone dies without a valid will, and these rules can...
Understanding eminent domain authority
Have you ever wondered who has the power to take private property for public use? Eminent domain is a fundamental principle in property law and governance. It allows governments to acquire private land for projects deemed beneficial to the public. This includes roads,...
What you need to know about eminent domain for pipeline projects
Eminent domain is the power of the government to take private property for public use, as long as there is fair compensation to the property owner. In Texas, this power extends to private entities like oil and gas companies, allowing them to acquire land for pipeline...